Tuesday 1 April 2014

Liebster Award

This is actually the first I have heard of a Liebster Award, but my lovely friend Lucie nominated me, so I could hardly ignore could I! From my research I have discovered the awards are a way of up and coming bloggers who are trying to make themselves within the blogging community, get more followers. But most important, get in touch with other bloggers. If you ask me, it's a pretty good idea so here is mine ....

1. What's your biggest fear?
I am a bit of a pansy so I have quite a few fears. My ultimate fear is probably the people that are closest to me passing away. That nightmare has kept me up way too many times for my liking but I suppose it is a pretty common fear. Apart from that, I have a fear of birds, clowns and steep escalators. Yes I know escalators. I can actually go on them, but the really steep ones you found at places like airports make me have an anxiety attack and I literally grab on to the side until my knuckles go white. 

2. What's your lifetime ambition?
My lifetime ambition is to be a fashion journalist. For as long as I can remember that is all I have wanted to do, be able to work for a high fashion magazine, doing what I love. I also would love to go and see the world, not necessarily by having a year of travelling but just by little holidays and being able to see everything the world has to offer. However, whatever I end up doing throughout my life I simply want to be happy. 

3. Where do you see yourself in 5/10 years time?
In 5/10 years time I see my self living in my on home/flat, having my dream job (hopefully), being happy and possibly engaged *giggles*. If we are going by the 10 year mark I might even be getting married and having kids by then, as I would be going on 31. Ok, that's really scary!

4. Favourite beauty item?
I took me a while thinking about this one as I don't really think I have a complete favourite. But if I had to chose one item it would probably have to be my Naked 2 Palette. The reason for this is because it's such a luxury item that you can use at any time and can also make you feel better on a bad day when your not feeling too great. Probably the price of this item makes me feel like it has to be my favourite too! 

5. If you had to take an object with you to a deserted island, what would you take?
I didn't have to think of this one. I would want to bring my phone but i'm sure there would be no signal of course, so apart from that it would have to be some vasaline. Throughout my blog posts, I always mention my obsession with vasaline and that I can't leave the house without some. If I do (and it's for a long day out) I will literally have to buy some more. Maybe i'm embarrassing myself now ....

6. If you won lots of money, what would you spend it on?
The first thing I would do would be to buy myself whatever designer bag I want. Since I am a bag obsessive, this would have to happen. I would then buy all my family and friend whatever they wanted. Lastly, it has always been my dream to visit a third world country and spend my money helping out, possibly building a school and using my own money to do this and fund teachers etc. Plus a hospital if I had the money. 

7. Who inspires you?
It's a common answer but I would have to say all my close family members. My mum, auntie, grandma, dad and nan are all incredible and I look up to each of them in separate ways. My nan however is incredible, she was a single mum with 3 young boys, worked all day and night to provide for them, and then took on my dad's two friends who were orphans. A single mum, looking after 5 young children, two of whom weren't hers and working to give them all the best. Pretty incredible if you ask me. 

8. Do you prefer Summer or Winter?
That's a tough one. I love Summer as I can't get enough of hot weather and the sun which seems to make everyone happy. Plus my birthday is in August so that always makes the Summer loads better. However, when Winter comes, it means Christmas is near and there's nothing better than snuggling up with a blanket, a hot chocolate and loads of films on a winters day. 

9. What's one item you can't live without?
The one item I can't live without would probably have to be my phone. Typical answer for our generation but we have become so accustomed to being able to contact people so easily, accessing our emails, using social media on a daily (hourly for me) basis. The main reason for my not being able to live without this item though is how my loved ones could contact me quickly if it was important. 

10. Would you rather be famous, or the best friend of someone famous?
Selfish answer, but probably famous. Despite the fact I think I would struggle after about a week of being in the spotlight, who hasn't wanted to be famous in their life?

11. If you could, would you travel the past or would you travel to the future?
I would travel to the future. I am a bit of a control freak and I hate knowing that I really don't know what's going to happen in the future. I am quite lucky and there is maybe a few things in my past I would want to change but that has all made me into who I am today. 

I nominate

My 11 questions for you are:
1. If you had to pick one favourite fashion item and one favourite beauty item, what would they be?
2. What would be your dream career?
3. Who inspires you?
4. If you could be friends with any blogger in the world, who would it be?
5. If you could only use one beauty item for a month, what would it be?
6. Do you prefer 
7. If you could move to another country, where would it be?
8. Why did you start blogging?
9. What's your favourite food?
10. What's your favourite film of all time?
11. What celebrity would you chose to have with you on a desert island?

Enjoy girlies!


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